Redefining PC Software
Unrivaled cross-platform excellence for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Seamless. Powerful. Universal.
At CUHK LTD, we craft exceptional software experiences that transcend platform boundaries. Our solutions seamlessly integrate with Windows, macOS, and Linux, delivering unparalleled performance and user experience across all major PC environments.

Platform Mastery
From classic to cutting-edge, we deliver powerful solutions for the world’s most popular PC platform.
Elegant, high-performance software that seamlessly integrates with Apple’s ecosystem.
Robust, scalable solutions for various distributions, perfect for enterprise and tech-savvy users alike.
Our Expertise
Enterprise Solutions
Custom ERP, CRM, and business intelligence tools that drive efficiency across all platforms.
Data Analytics
Cross-platform visualization and analysis tools that turn raw data into actionable insights.
Robust security software that safeguards your digital assets across all operating systems.
Our Development Process

- In-depth Requirements Analysis
- Cross-Platform Architecture Design
- Agile Development & Rigorous Testing
- Platform-Specific Optimization
- Seamless Integration
- Ongoing Support & Updates
Client Success Stories
CUHK LTD’s cross-platform solution seamlessly unified our Windows, Mac, and Linux environments, skyrocketing productivity by 70%.
– Emily Zhang, CIO of Global Innovations Inc.
Their data analytics suite provides consistent, powerful insights across all our systems, revolutionizing our decision-making process.
– Dr. Alex Winters, Research Director at TechFront Labs
Ready to Transform Your Business?
Let’s create powerful, cross-platform solutions that drive your success.